Picking ripe tomatoes from plants seems very easy, but that is the tricky part of the tomato harvesting process. Harvesting tomatoes at the right time following the right method gives you quality and more flavorful fruits than your neighbor gardeners who just pick their tomatoes roughly. When to Pick Tomatoes- 6 Tips to Choose the […]
When Where and How to Save Tomato Seeds: The Ultimate Guide
A century ago, becoming a gardener was considered a seed saver. Our ancestors didn’t buy seeds from gardening stores or online stores. Instead, they grew plants and saved their seeds. Then they exchanged their saving seeds with friends and neighbors for more crop variation. If you are a hobby gardener and have a little extra […]
12 Things to Know Before Growing Tomatoes in Arizona
Arizona experiences a complex climate due to mountains and desert valleys. So, when you think about growing tomatoes in Arizona, you need to consider the climate condition, soil type, and desert-friendly tomato varieties for your garden. Besides, there are some other essential factors that you need to be considered before planting tomato plants in your […]
12 Helpful Tips for Growing Tomatoes in Florida
Growing tomatoes in Florida is not like the other parts of the United States. Different parts of Florida show variations in growing seasons, weather conditions, and tomato varieties. The major tomato-growing regions in Florida can be divided into five different parts as follows: Around one-third or more fresh market tomatoes produce in those regions of […]
How to Read Tomato Disease Resistance Codes and Chart
When you are going to buy tomato seeds or plants, you may find some special letters alphabet in the seed packet or plant level. These are the tomato disease resistance codes for that specific variety. You may also find these tomato disease-resistant codes when searching for different garden blogs or e-commerce sites. If you are […]
Heat-Tolerant Tomato Varieties: Survive in Hot Dry Climates
Tomatoes are warm loving plants and they perform better if the temperature remains between 65°-85° F. But it will be difficult for you to grow tomatoes if you live in the southern part of the United States or other warm and dry regions where the temperature goes above 86°F. Your tomatoes may face sunscalding; blight […]
Best Mulch for Tomatoes: When and How to Mulch Tomato Plants
Your tomatoes will be healthier, vigorous in color, and fresh while you apply mulch for tomatoes. In addition, people get higher yields when they mulch their tomato plants. Mulching is the essential part, especially for tomatoes. Your tomato plants produce more branches and best utilize the mineral nutrients than plants not mulched. So, keep continuing […]
How to Trellis Tomato Plants the Ultimate Guide
A tomato trellis is another great way to support your plants, like staking and caging. Besides trellis for tomato plants can also help to keep your plants off the ground and save from some unexpected diseases. Different tomato varieties need different types of trellising systems. In addition, your interest, plant demand, and trellis design may […]
20 Helpful Tips for Pruning Tomato Plants
Do I need to prune my tomato plants or not? This is a widespread question that comes from beginner tomato growers. My answer to this question is YES, of course, if you plan to grow indeterminate tomatoes. And a big fat NO if you want to grow determinate tomatoes. Here I discuss the essential tips […]
How to use tomato cages effectively
Tomato plants grow upwards quickly when they get support. Besides, they become heavier after holding some matured fruit clusters on the plants. Therefore, tomato cages provide excellent support to set them upwards and save them from unexpected soil-borne diseases. When should I put cages on my tomato plants? Cage your tomato plants after transplanting them […]